11 Vote

Difference between Eau de Toilette and Eau de Parfum

Question by Princess | Last update on 2024-10-05 | Created on 2012-04-06

On my perfumes, there is always a label below with the inscription "Eau de Toilette" or sometimes also "Eau de Parfum".

What does that mean exactly? With a toilet in the sense of a lavatory, the parfume has surely nothing to do, right?

11 Vote

Eau de Parfum scents contain more essential oils than Eau de Toilette scents. Accordingly, Eau de Parfum is also much more expensive than Eau de Toilette.

The usual and most often used fragrances are mostly of the kind "Eau de Toilette".
2012-04-21 at 18:57

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3Best Answer3 Votes

These are different dilution classes of the applied essential oil.

We distinguish the following classes depending on the concentration of the fragrance oil:

TypeEssential Oils
Eau Fraîche1 - 3 %
Eau de Cologne3 - 5 %
Eau de Toilette6 - 9 %
Eau de Parfum10 - 14 %
Extrait Parfum15 - 30 %

Therefore, the strongest and most intense, but also the most expensive parfume, is "Extrait Parfum" (sometimes also called "Eau de Parfum Intense"), because it contains the most essential oils. Eau Fraîche or Eau de Cologne, however, are correspondingly cheaper, but do not keep their smell as long as the other ones.
Last update on 2024-10-05 | Created on 2012-04-08

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