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Difference between Half Board and Full Board

Question by Guest | 2018-04-27 at 19:28

I am currently going through some offers for our next vacation and in many hotels I can choose between full board and half board.

Can someone explain to me what that exactly should be and what the difference is? And why half? Do you only have a half room or the room for half of a day when taking the cheaper half board? Or at what point is saved?

1Best Answer1 Vote

The difference between full board and half board refers to the meals respectively the food included in the price of the trip.

  • Full Board or Full Pension: In addition to the accommodation, the price includes breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Half Board: There are only two meals included. Breakfast as well as either lunch or dinner. Mostly the two meals are breakfast and dinner.

By the way, there is even a DIN standard that defines the above. The half board (German: Halbpension) is defined in DIN EN ISO 18513 number 2.4.3, the full board (German: Vollpension) in DIN EN ISO 18513 number 2.4.4. However, a statement whether drinks are included in full board or half board is not made. These are only mentioned in the DIN EN ISO 18513 number 2.4.5 (All Inclusive).
2018-04-28 at 09:59

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