Does the smartphone have to be switched on during the check at the airport?
Question by Guest | 2018-06-23 at 19:26
Soon, I'm traveling by plane for the first time in my life and I would not relinquish my mobile phone during my vacation.
However, some of my friends have told me, that it may be that my smartphone is taken away at the security check for security reasons (that would be the real horror for me).
The reason is probably that you always have to show the phone turned on, so the officials know that it is not a prepared device or a bomb.
But what can I do if my battery is suddenly flat? Will they take away my phone?
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I have never heard that someone was taken away the phone at the security check. I have been flight a lot of times, but my phone was never checked to see if it could be turned on. I just had to put the device in the box at the check, that was all.
But if you are really worried that this could happen, you can just take your charging cable with you in your carry-on luggage, then you can not go wrong even according to your theory.
2018-06-23 at 22:35