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Enlarge silicone breasts even further

Question by Guest | 2018-02-24 at 17:56

Two years ago, I got some silicone breasts and was dissatisfied with their size for about the same time.

At the time, my cosmetic surgeon got me to that size, and I was basically persuaded by him to use smaller implants than I had originally intended.

If only I had not listened to the doctor! I still have not reached my desired size and I can image nothing better than to enlarge my breasts even further.

But now the question is how to do that best. Is it possible to use another implant over the old one or have the breasts squirted on somehow? Who knows what to do? Reluctantly, I would have the old implant removed, because that's what I paid dearly for.

0Best Answer0 Votes

The only sensible way to make your breasts even bigger is to take out the old implant and insert a new, bigger one.

Everything else would be botched and can lead to complications. You can not just put several breast implants on top of each other or inject something further silicone or other materials.

Of course, you paid the first implant, but your health should be more important than your thrift. And this time you should really do exactly what you want and not what someone else wants.
2018-02-25 at 16:06

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