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Fever: Different Temperature under the Arm and in the Butt

Question by Guest | 2018-04-20 at 22:32

I do not know if it's because of my fever or something else. For several days I have a fever, but I can not say how high. Because my fever is completely dependent on where I measure.

Under my arms, I regularly get other values than putting the thermometer in my bum. Mostly, the difference is between 1 and 2 degrees. That can already be crucial with fever!

I've already tried four different fever thermometers, measured at different times of the day and the result is always the same. Interestingly, the values of the left and right arm are identical. Therefore, I assume that the thermometers are okay. Can someone help me?

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What you are describing is completely normal. The temperature inside the body is always higher than the temperature on the surface of the skin.

And that's exactly the difference that you measure. Under the arms, you do not measure the core temperature of the body, but in the rear you can measure it. That's why you get higher values in the bottom than under your arm.

The "right" temperature is of course the core temperature. But you do not necessarily have to perform the butt measurement, because even ear thermometers provide relatively good fever values.
2018-04-21 at 22:26

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