22 Votes

Filelist Creator: Change File Size Format

Question by Mail Request | 2016-08-11 at 02:51

I am using the FilelistCreator for creating some lists of my files.

Is it possible to modify the format of the file size column? At the moment, the application is using 3 decimal places (I want to have 2) and it is using a different unit for each file (depends on the size of the file). I want to have either KB, MB or GB fixed.

Is it possible to change that?

2Best Answer2 Votes

Just click on the button "Options" behind "Size". There you can find some settings for this column.

By default, the "Unit" is set to "Best Unit" which makes the used unit dependent on the size (1 GB and 1 KB instead of 1 GB and 0,000001 GB). If you want to use a fixed unit for all files, you can just select "Byte", "MB", "GB" or whatever from the drop down menu.

The decimal places are 3 by default. For changing this, use the drop down menu "Decimal Places" and select the number of decimal places you want. At this point it is also possible to go without any decimal places.
2016-08-11 at 02:52

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