00 Votes

Filelist Creator: Save Option - WPS Spreadsheets

Question by Guest | 2019-02-14 at 12:57

Does this program recognize WPS spreadsheets? Is there a way to add it to options within the program?

00 Votes

Are you thinking of a new export format? And if yes, which one?

Or do you want to show WPS spreadsheet information in the file list?
2019-02-14 at 18:55

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

WPS Office by Kingsoft is the freeware I want save my lists in their spreadsheet format.
2019-02-15 at 17:53

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

Which file extension do those spreadsheet files have?
2019-02-16 at 02:12

ReplyPositive Negative

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