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"G" or "E" sign on my mobile

Question by Shadab | 2013-09-21 at 16:42

I have noticed that even I do not use internet on my mobile but then also i see "E" & "G" sign on my mobile bar... I have tried deleting the GPRS settings but then also the sign is shown up & the balance is getting DEDUCTED.... Plz Help.... my mobile is SAMSUNG CHAMP DUOS GT-C3312

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Usually, the E and G signs indicating an Internet connection are not only shown when using Internet applications like a browser on the phone.

In the background, apps are searching for updates, status changes and other thing, so the signs will appear from time to time. That is normal.

If you don't want so, you have to deactivate your mobile network. On my Samsung mobile, I can go to the settings and there is a button "Mobile Networks", I can activate or deactivate. That will do it.

If you want to save energy on your phone, just only start the Internet connection if you really need it.
2013-09-22 at 10:12

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