11 Vote

Help! I got long nails - Now, I get no more out my contact lenses!

Question by Guest | 2012-05-05 at 07:21

I have a little problem, that is almost embarrassing! Yesterday, I got beautiful long gel nails, I enjoyed all day long! But at night, suddenly, I was faced with the problem: How do you get you contact lenses out of your eyes with these really long fingernails?

About 2 hours, I was standing in front of the mirror! I twisted and turned, but there was no way to get them out! Always, I came with my nails into the eyes or pricked my eye!

Frustrated, I finally went to bed, I was just too tired! This morning, my eyes are burning quite terrible and the lenses are of course still in! But now, they urgently need to get out! What can I do? Please help me!

1Best Answer1 Vote

Do not worry, long artificial nails and contact lenses do not exclude each other.

If you want to get the lenses out quickly, just take a bowl of water, and open your eyes in it. So, the lenses go out easily.

If you want to do it right, it is important to ensure that the fingers are perpendicular to the eye and you do not have the nails in your eye. Some tips to do this, we have collected in the question Remove Contact Lenses with Long Nails. Just look into this discussion, with those tips, you should definitely get the lenses out.
2012-05-06 at 09:25

ReplyPositive Negative
-11 Vote

Oh, it's so much easier:

Cut your nails to a normal length. Then it goes definitely!
2012-05-07 at 22:01

ReplyPositive Negative

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