00 Votes

Dispose of contact lenses in the toilet?

Question by Guest | 2018-05-13 at 23:06

I often use daily lenses, but even if I use monthly lenses, the question arises, how to dispose of the old contact lenses at best. Mostly I just throw the old lenses into the toilet. Now a friend of mine said that I should not do that under any circumstances. What does that mean? Where to go with the old contact lenses?

0Best Answer0 Votes

It is best to throw your old contact lenses into the normal household waste.

You should not throw the lenses into your toilet alone, because there is enough plastic in the oceans. If you're lucky, your lenses will be fished out in the next treatment plant, but more likely the lens will break down into small pieces of plastic before and help to further pollute the oceans. Just imagine how many contact lens wearers there are and how much would come together, everyone would do it.
2018-05-14 at 17:26

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