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How can I know what resolution my graphics card supports?

Question by Guest | 2014-01-04 at 17:56

I have a quite old computer with a quite small screen. Therefore, to enhance my comfort while watching movies, I would like to buy a much bigger monitor than my old one.

Now, I am afraid that my old graphics card does not support the high resolutions of today's screens. So, how can I determine which maximum resolution my videocard yields?

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If you do not know the type of your graphics card that is build in in your computer, proceed in this way:

  1. Go to the Control Panel of your computer.
  2. There on the Device Manager
  3. In the overview, you got to graphics card where you can find information about manufacturer and model number, for example "AMD ATI FirePro V9800"

Usually, it is sufficient to enter this name into the search engine of your choice to get an overview of the technical data from the website of the manufacturer.

If you can not find your card at once, of course, you can also go to the website of the manufacturer first and select your graphics card there.
2014-01-05 at 22:08

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