00 Votes

Which Speed and Class does my Micro SD Memory Card have?

Question by Sea Sven | 2014-03-23 at 15:16

I have just read the article about the speed classes of MicroSD memory cards. Very informative. But how can I know of which class my card is?

I still have some old memory cards lying around here from which I have thrown away the packaging. Is there any way to retrieve the information whether it is a Class 2 or Class 10 card?

2Best Answer2 Votes

Yes, it is possible. There is a small symbol on the memory card indicating the appropriate class.

The symbol is a C, similar to a circle with a small opening. Inside the circle there is a number, the number of the class of your card.

Alternatively, of course, you can also measure the reading and writing speed of your card. With this, you can research whether the indication of the class is consistent.
2014-03-25 at 19:13

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