How Do I Create A File List From Multiple Hard Drives?
Question by Guest | 2022-07-18 at 00:38
I have 7 external hard drives and I wanted to know how can I create one list of all of the files on more than one hard drive?
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Ask your own question or write your own article on That’s how it’s done.
You can add the files and folders you would like to have in your list in the same way like you do in the case that the files or folders are all coming from the same drive.
Just drag them onto the FilelistCreator. Since it is not possible to add them all at once, add them one hard drive after each other.
If you do not have enough USB slots to connect all external hard drives at the same time, you can first add the files from the first drive, disconnect it, connect the next one in order to add the files from that drive and so on.
The only thing you have to keep in mind is that you have to give the application enough time to read out additional file information (such as audio tags) when you want to list such information. You can see it at the progress bar, don't disconnect a drive before the progress is finished.
I hope I could help you.
2022-07-18 at 02:10
Thanks that put them all into one list but it does not sort them. Is there a way to get them sorted in alphabetical order?
2022-07-25 at 10:20
Yes, just click on one of the columns in the file list to get all files sorted according to that column.
In your case, you can click on the name column to get them sorted independent from the drive or on the file path column to get the files sorted one drive after each other.
Maybe also the grouping options under "Table Structure" on the right of the main window can be useful for you.
2022-07-25 at 18:16