00 Votes

Largest 2.5 Inch Hard Disk

Question by Guest | 2015-01-12 at 20:43

I am currently looking for the largest possible external hard drive available at the moment. I especially like those small handy 2.5 inch (6.4 cm) hard drives that can be run without own power source (they are getting their energy via the USB cable).

However, so far, I have only seen hard drives with a storage capacity of 2TB in this inch size, while other sized hard drives are also available with more memory.

Is 2 TB the upper limit of 2.5 inch hard drives or are there any of them equipped with more storage capacity? It is important for me that the device has the fast USB 3.0 port and that the hard drive is not such a big 3.5-inch drive.

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Using the current technology, the upper limit of 2.5-inch hard drives is at 2 TB of storage.

There are larger models among the 3.5 inch disks available, as these hard drives are simply physically larger and therefore, there is more space for the information on the disk. With them, the maximum size is currently at 6 TB, whereas the limit of a 1.8 inch hard drive is at only 320 GB.

Nevertheless, I am confident that there will soon be even smaller hard drives with larger capacity, because there is always research for getting new ways and possibilities. For example, I am thinking about the SSD technology. 
2015-01-12 at 22:34

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