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How fast do eyebrows grow back again?

Question by Guest | 2013-02-26 at 16:37

Unfortunately, when plucking my eyebrows this morning, I was a little bit to radical with the hair! Anyway, I tried to make the best of the result, but it is just looking very strange.

How much time do my eyebrows need to regrow back again? I need to know when I can go back at people!

1Best Answer1 Vote

Your eyebrows are growing as fast as your other hair. Which is, depending on the person, 0.2 to 0.4 millimeters per day. So, in about 2 to 4 weeks, you should have your eyebrows back.

Unfortunately, there is no reliable means to accelerate the growth. What you can do, though, is to redraw the eyebrows or at least to underlay the brows with a color, then, the missing hair is not standing out any longer.
2013-02-28 at 16:35

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