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How important are Meta Keywords and Meta Descriptions for Search Engines today?

Question by Alaska1966 | 2015-05-20 at 17:36

Are given Meta Keywords and the Meta Description of a web page still rated and considered by search engines such as Google today?

I have heard that Google is only searching and evaluating the content of a website and the meta tags are not that important anymore. Is that correct?

And another question is, whether the meta tags should only be specified in the home page/index page of a website or should each sub page have its own individual tags?

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What Google does exactly and how Google is really evaluating websites, we as ordinary mortals will never know. But this is according to my experiences:

Meta Keywords

You can safely go without meta-keywords. Today, the search engines are actually only analyzing the content of the website for keywords, the meta-keywords are not really considered. In past, too many operators of Internet pages have specified too much and completely irrelevant information in this meta-tag having nothing to do with the real website content.

Meta Description

It is a little bit different with the Meta Description, because the text specified here is often (not always) directly taken by the search engines to be displayed in the results. This is the text that can be seen for example in the Google results directly under the heading. If you are here offering a good and smart text, you real surely be clicked more often which makes you ranking higher in the search results. If you do not specify any text here, the search engine is creating an own description of your page and this text do not have to be very good and inviting. Important: the meta-description should not be longer than 140 to 150 characters in length, because otherwise it will be cropped. The shorter, the better.

Different Descriptions on each Sub-Page?

You have also asked whether each sub page should have its own tags. The answer: definitely yes. Each page should focus on a specific individual content and this should also be described in the description. This makes sure according to which issue or topic specific page should be called. More about that, you can learn here.
2015-05-21 at 10:17

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