00 Votes

Meta-Descrition: Different or unified for all pages of a website?

Question by CSchaf | 2015-04-11 at 20:57

At the moment, I am creating a new website and I wonder whether I should use different meta descriptions for each of my HTML pages or whether I should use the same consistent description for all pages.

Does someone have any advice for me in that issue?

0Best Answer0 Votes

You should definitely use other meta descriptions for all sub pages of your website.

On the home page, you can write into your meta-description what your website is all about in general.

In contrast, on the sub pages, you should describe concretely what the respective sub page is about.

Often, the meta-description is taken by the search engine and displayed as description in the search results. The more differentiated the description of your page is, the more often it will be found and one of your sub pages is displayed in the result.

However, if you are stating the same description for all pages and additionally the pages are similarly, in the worst case, you can be punished by the search engines because of double content.
Last update on 2021-01-12 | Created on 2015-04-13

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