1832 Votes

Meaning of Meta Tag "msvalidate.01"

Question by Guest | 2014-01-19 at 08:39

Normally, I am quite good at HTML and all of its meta tags.

However, recently, I have found the following meta tag I have never heard about before:

<meta name="msvalidate.01" content="..."/>

Can someone tell me, for what this msvalidate meta tag is used?

30Best Answer40 Votes

When using the Bing Webmaster Center from Microsoft to get some information about your website and your links, your website has to be verified.

This can be done via the meta tag "msvalidate.01". As "content", you enter an individual code from Microsoft, so Microsoft knows that you are the owner of your website.

Similar to this is the Google Site Verification for the Google Webmaster Tools.
2014-01-20 at 20:21

ReplyPositive Negative
66 Votes

Thanks for your answer, with all the spam going on we are nervous when we see weird stuff. I appreciate your answer.
2015-11-08 at 03:41

Positive Negative
02 Votes

Hi, please tell me that, will "msvalidate.01" improve Google ranking?

If yes, how?
2016-09-08 at 07:25

ReplyPositive Negative
33 Votes

Of course, nobody can really know what Google takes into account.

However, I assume that msvalidate does not influence your ranking and is just ignored by Google. First, ist is Microsoft stuff. Second, it does not change your content quality.

So, it makes no sense for Google to analyze it for ranking purposes.
2016-09-08 at 23:06

Positive Negative
02 Votes

You have to verify the ownership of your site by adding this meta tag by Bing, while submitting a sitemap.
2016-11-30 at 16:40

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

The more you use all of the official channels to verify your site and its contents the more likely Google is to rank you above an exact competitor.  It is a good idea to verify your site in Bing as well as a lot of ranking factors in Bing hinge on this verification. As well proper schema markup will set you above your competitor.
2017-08-30 at 07:02

Positive Negative

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