22 Votes

How long will my Windows Version be supported?

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-03-24 | Created on 2015-03-04

I have some computers on which I am still running Microsoft Windows XP and Vista, on the newer machines Windows 7 and Windows 8 are installed.

Unfortunately, Microsoft is no longer supporting the operating system Windows XP, but what about the other versions of Windows?

Is there any official statement by Microsoft how long there are updates, support and new service packs available for those operating systems?

3Best Answer3 Votes

Microsoft is offering a Windows Lifecycle Fact Sheet you can find with following that link. On this page, you can find information about the end of support, the end of sales and the date from which there will be no more service packs and updates.

SystemEnd of extended support
Windows XPApril, 8 2014
Windows VistaApril, 11 2017
Windows 7January, 14 2020
Windows 8January, 10 2023
Windows 10October, 14 2025

In the table above, I have listed the most important dates. As stated, there will be no new service packs and updates for Windows 7 from January, 14th 2020 on, and for Windows 8 the deadline is January, 10th 2023.
Last update on 2021-03-24 | Created on 2015-03-05

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