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How many keys does a piano have?

Question by Jonas100 | 2017-12-29 at 14:19

Can someone tell me how many keys a piano has in total and how many of those keys are black or white?

Unfortunately, I do not own a piano and I also have not found a photo that shows it so well.

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A piano has a total of 88 keys. Of these, 52 are white and 36 are black. Incidentally, the "keyboard" of a piano can be called claviature.

The white keys underneath are also called front keys or sub keys, the indented narrow keys on the top are also called back keys or upper keys.

Older pianos sometimes only have 85 keys, as well as there are other smaller variants, for example, as a toy piano for children.
2017-12-29 at 23:49

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