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What is the keyboard of a piano called?

Question by Enky | 2017-11-20 at 13:17

Is there actually a special name for the "keyboard" or the total amount of all keys of a piano?

I think the term "keyboard" does not really fit well, it always reminds me too much of a computer.

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In other languages, there is a big difference between the keyboard of a computer compared to the keyboard of a piano.

For example, in German you call a computer keyboard "keyboard" while you call a piano keyborad "klaviatur". In German, "keyboard" of a piano is almost exclusively used for electronic pianos.

In English, you can also say "claviature" for the keyboard of a piano. However, most people are just talking about the "keyboard" of a piano. 
2017-11-20 at 20:21

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