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How much lighther are you on the moon?

Question by Seaman Ulf | 2018-03-02 at 21:45

It is said that one is much lighter on the moon than on earth. Even the heaviest of us earthlings is as light as a feather there.

But how many times lighther are you on the moon? For example, if I have to carry a weight of 80 kilos on earth, how much would I have to carry on the moon?

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You are six times lighter on the Moon than on Earth.

In other words, if the scale on Earth shows 80 kilograms, the value on the moon would be only 13.21 kilograms. Here I put together a small table for different weights:

Earth WeightMoon Weight
45 kg7.43 kg
50 kg8.26 kg
55 kg9.08 kg
60 kg9.91 kg
65 kg10.73 kg
70 kg11.56 kg
75 kg12.39 kg
80 kg13.21 kg
85 kg14.04 kg
90 kg14.86 kg
95 kg15.69 kg
100 kg16.52 kg

Incidentally, you can calculate this with the respective location factor for the moon and the earth (this factor gives information about the respective gravitational acceleration).

On the earth's surface, we can expect a mean local gravity factor of 9,81 m/s², on the moon the acceleration of gravity is 1,62 m/s². 9.81 / 1.62 are 6.055. Therefore, we can divide our earth weight by 6,055 to get our personal lunar weight - guaranteed better, faster, and more effective than any diet.
2018-03-03 at 20:38

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