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How to edit a Batch Script

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-04-06 | Created on 2013-11-03

With great difficulty I have put together a batch script for my Windows computer using various instructions from the Internet. I already thought the script was finished, but now I would still like to make a few changes to it.

Unfortunately, by now, I can no longer edit the script. Since I have changed the file extension of the script from ".txt" to ".bat", the script is always only executed instead of opened with the editor for editing. I despair! How I can go back to the source of my script?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Just click with the right mouse button on your script file. At the top of the context menu opening, there are the options "Open" and "Edit". With "Open", you are executing the script, with "Edit", the script opens in the editor so that you can make your changes.

Alternatively, you can also first open the editor and select your batch script for editing with "File > Open". If only "txt" files are displayed in the Open Dialog, you may need to set the filter to "All Files" before.
Last update on 2021-04-06 | Created on 2013-11-03

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