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How to quickly get a six-pack

Question by Guest | 2013-09-09 at 11:12

Please help me! My girlfriend commands me to get a washboard stomach such as all of the models from the newspapers and magazines! She allows me a deadline until the end of the year for my six pack! If I do not have washboard abs by then, she will break up. Actually, I do not like any sports or exercise, but what the heck!

What can I do to reach my goal as quickly as possible?

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Whether you are able to achieve "your goal" or not, strongly depends on your starting position. If you are in the overweight at the moment, it cannot be possible to get your sixpack until the end of the year and you should rather start looking for a girlfriend not only focusing on the look of their boyfriends.

Otherwise, I can tell you two things that are the requirements to get a six pack:

  • First of all, you need well-trained abdominal muscles. So, accordingly you have to exercise the muscles of your abdomen.
  • Additionally, it is important that you also can see these abdominal muscles. You can have the best and the greatest muscles on earth - if they are covered by layers of fat, you can see nothing of them. This means, additional endurance training and weight loss will be necessary to expose the abdominal muscles and make them visible. 

Typical exercises for the abdominal muscles are the crunch in its different variants or lifting the pelvis upward with outstretched legs. You can lose weight with a good diet and moderate endurance exercise such as jogging, swimming, cycling or on the crosser in the gym.
2013-09-09 at 16:43

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