00 Votes

Is there a way one could set up different WordCreator settings linked to each particular item of multiple installations?

Question by Guest | 2024-12-18 at 22:39

This would be pretty cool and helpful when the syllable list being used is very large and thus slows down program startup and load/save functions also.

Multiple installations linking to different default syllable lists would allow a much quicker workflow in these cases, it would seem. I have been poking around and haven't figured out how this might be done, if there is way, though.

00 Votes

Of course, just put each exe in separate folders (as many installations you want to have) and make sure to enable the options:

  • "Settings > Syllable List > Storage Options > Save Syllable List with Settings" as well as
  • "Settings > Save > Storage Options > Save to Application Directory"

Then the syllable lists will be saved with your settings in each application folder independently and is loaded depended on which installation you start.
2024-12-19 at 05:31

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