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Is there left-hand driving only in England?

Question by Mandy | 2016-06-07 at 09:32

I just asked myself, whether England respectively Great Britain is the only country in the world, in which the cars are driving on the left instead of on the right side of the road.

In all other countries I know, there is a right-hand traffic. The other European countries, the USA or Russia. Or am I wrong and there are other countries with left-hand traffic somewhere around the world, for example outside of Europe?

1Best Answer1 Vote

There is not only left-hand traffic in Great Britain. Apart from the UK, people in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India, Cyprus and in many countries at the west coast of Africa are driving on the left.

I have created an information with a list of all countries of the world having left-hand driving. In this list, you can also find the other smaller countries.

By the way, there are also some countries in which there was left-hand traffic in former times which has changed to right-hand driving by now. Some examples are France (until 1789), parts of Italy (until 1924), parts of Austria in different times, Portugal (until 1928) or Finland (until 1858) or parts of Canada.
2016-06-07 at 12:39

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