33 Votes

How often was England European Football Champion?

Question by Guest | Last update on 2024-02-23 | Created on 2016-06-17

In football history, England is very well known because of their WC title 1966 by means of their famous Wembley goal against Germany. Nearly every time, England is playing football, the TV recalls and reminds of this goal.

But what about England and the European Football Championship? How often could England become the Champion and in which years?

3Best Answer3 Votes

Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. England has not made it for a single time to become European Champion. Even at the WC, 1966 was the only time they made it.

England even made the second place only once. At the EC 2020, England lost 3-2 in the final against Italy on penalties (it was 1-1 after extra time).

England also only achieved the third place once. That was two years after the WC 1966 at the EC 1968 in Italy. Here, England played 2-0 against the Soviet Union in the third place game.

In the list of all European champions so far, you can find more information about this topic.
Last update on 2024-02-23 | Created on 2016-06-17

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