00 Votes

JavaScript: Is String containing another String?

Question by Chematik | Last update on 2021-01-13 | Created on 2012-08-07

I want to test, whether a string contains another string in JavaScript. So far, I've tried it with String.contains(), but that seems not to work somehow.

Does anyone have a solution?

00 Votes

In JavaScript, the function contains() in relation to strings can not be used in this way. You need the function indexOf(), which you can use something like this:

var str = "ABCDEF";
if (str.indexOf("CDE") != -1) {
   alert('The string contains "CDE".');
} else {
   alert('The string does not contain "CDE".');

As a parameter, you pass the string, you would like to search for. In the example above, this is "CDE". The function then gives us the position of the passed string, or -1, if there is no position, so therefore, the string is not included.

In our example, "CDE" is included in "ABCDEF". This would make the IF condition not -1 and 'The string contains "CDE".' would be the alert.

Important: Make sure, that you also write "indexOf" and not "indexof". Otherwise it is not working.
Last update on 2021-01-13 | Created on 2012-08-07

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