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JavaScript: Round Number - round() not working

Question by Guest | 2015-05-05 at 18:24

Is there any simple possibility to round numbers in JavaScript? For example, a function that is able to convert the floating-point number 2.3 to the number 2?

I have already tried to call the function round(), but that is not working for me. On the Internet, I have found some confusing instructions not helping me at all. Isn't there any easy solution?

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With just calling round(), it is not working. Instead, you have to take Math.round().

Here is a small example:

var k = 10 / 4;  

var r = Math.round(k);

The result of 10 / 4 is 2.5. We are rounding this result and we are getting 3.

Note: A value of 2.49 will be rounded down, a value of 2.5 will be rounded up.
2015-05-06 at 14:34

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