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JavaScript: window.location.indexOf not working

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-06-13 | Created on 2016-03-27

I would like to check my current URL with JavaScript in order to see whether a specific string is part of the address.

For this, I am using the function indexOf in the following way:

var s = window.location;

The problem is that nothing happens with this code. I even do not get any error message, nothing. What am I doing wrong? In my opinion, I am using the function in the right way, or?

0Best Answer0 Votes

The problem with this is that window.location is an object and not a string. And the object window.location does not know the function .indexOf() so that you cannot use it.

Therefore, you have to convert window.location into a string first to make it work. For example like that:

var s = window.location.toString();

With this approach, it should work.

Here you can find further possibilities for converting window.location to a string.
Last update on 2021-06-13 | Created on 2016-03-27

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