00 Votes

jQuery: Set the width of an element in percent

Question by Guest | 2018-12-14 at 23:19

I would like to change the width of some elements with jQuery. The information should be provided in percent, so I would like to set the element with the id "div1" to 50% width, for example. Is that possible?

0Best Answer2 Votes

You can use the function width() for that.

With the code


you are setting the width of

<div id="div1">

to 50 %.
2018-12-15 at 19:56

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00 Votes

You can also directly address the CSS of your element. That would look like this:

$('#div1').css({'width': '50%'});

The result would of course be the same.
2018-12-15 at 21:47

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