00 Votes

Linux: Directly enter folder path - address bar is missing

Question by Guest | 2016-07-11 at 20:35

I am using the operating system Ubuntu (a Linux distribution) and therein the file manager Nautilus.

I am quite happy with that, however, sometimes, it is annoying that you cannot directly jump to a desired directory by just entering the complete path to the file browser. Instead, you are always fast to go through the entire GUI.

Even on Windows, the Explorer is providing an address bar in which you can directly enter or modify the path. Isn't there something similar under Linux?

0Best Answer0 Votes

Just press the keyboard shortcut CTRL + L in Nautilus. This makes the address bar visible so that you can directly type, copy or adjust the path. By the way, the L is standing for location.

However, this will not make the address bar be displayed permanently. If you should want to always display the address bar even after restarting Nautilus, please have a look at the topic about how to show the address bar in Nautilus permanently.

PS: You can also use this shortcut in Dolphin.
2016-07-12 at 11:28

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