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Linux: Always show Address Bar in Nautilus

Question by Guest | 2016-06-21 at 22:11

I am using the file manager Nautilus in Linux. I do not like that when starting this application, automatically the address bar is hidden. Instead, the folder structure is displayed as buttons, with which it is not possible to manually enter, modify or copy any path.

In other to get and show address bar, you always have to press the keyboard shortcut CTRL + L after each restart of the program. Of course, on the duration, this is quite annoying. So, is there any possibility to permanently and automatically show the address bar in Nautilus? Unfortunately, I have not found any possibility in the settings to adjust this behavior.

3Best Answer3 Votes

At the moment, Nautilus is not offering the possibility to change this behavior in its own settings. However, you can modify the default settings by using the dconf Editor.

  • After installing the dconf Editor, you can search for it using the Dash or you can type dconf-editor into the terminal to start the tool.
  • On the left you have to navigate to org > gnome > nautilus > preferences.
  • Enable the checkbox at the setting always-use-location-entry.

With this, from now on, your navigation bar should always be and remain visible.
2016-06-22 at 20:17

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