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May I plug in Washing Machine and Tumble Dryer to one Power Strip?

Question by Florabella | 2018-02-01 at 14:34

I would like to put my tumble dryer as well as my washing machine to a wall that unfortunately has no wall socket. For this reason, I would like to connect both devices to a simple multiple socket or power strip.

My husband advised me against this idea. He says that would be too much for a conventional power strip. Is it really like that? I think it's very convenient, because then I would also have some sockets free for other devices when using this multiple outlet strip.

1Best Answer3 Votes

Large appliances such as dryers, washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators or stoves are consuming a lot of power while power strips are designed for limited power consumption.

Many standard power strips are designed for just 3500 watts, while both an average tumble dryer and an average dishwasher already individually consume 3000 watts. Depending on the model, this can be even more. An average cooker consumes as much as 4000 watts.

You should therefore in no case connect the tumble dryer and the washing machine to a power strip and certainly not operate them together or even plug additional devices into the free sockets. Such large appliances always belong to a single wall socket.

The problem with the thing is that a power strip can easily overheat when too much current is flowing through it. This can quickly cause the bar to melt and create a fire. Especially clothes dryers and washing machines are often in rooms that are not under surveillance, so you would additionally notice the fire too late making it even worse.
2018-02-01 at 15:54

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