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May I try fruits and vegetables in the supermarket?

Question by Guest | 2018-06-22 at 17:04

I would like to know whether it is allowed to take a bit to taste from the fruit and vegetable counter in the supermarket before buying. Sometimes it's difficult to say if the goods are still fresh and even tasting good. I would not like to experience a nasty surprise at home.

Of course, I'm not talking about slicing a whole melon or eating a whole apple. For example, I mean little things like grapes or strawberries.

The dealer really should not mind when doing so, right? Is that allowed in principle?

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Even if many customers in the supermarket are doing that and are thinking that this is only a trivial thing, it is still nothing more than stealing. For the dealer, you are a theft and he can start legal proceedings against you.

However, in the fewest cases this is done, nevertheless you would make yourself punishable with the tasting.

So I would not risk it unless you asked a seller for permission. Very few dealers will say no and you are definitely on the safe side when asking.
2018-06-22 at 23:05

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