511 Votes

What's the Google Site Verification Meta Tag?

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-05-06 | Created on 2014-04-06

I am a web designer and recently I got an order to modernize one of my customers websites.

In his old website source code the following meta tag caught my eye:

<meta name="google-site-verification" content="..." />

I have never heard about something called Google Site Verification. Can someone explain me what that is?

11Best Answer15 Votes

If you are using the Google Webmaster Tools, you will get a Google Site Verification Code which you can include into your website with this meta tag.

With this code in your HTML, Google knows that you are the owner of your specified website and that there is nobody misusing the system.

Alternatively, you can do the verification with an HTML page stored on your server if you do not want to use the meta tag.
Last update on 2021-05-06 | Created on 2014-04-06

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