22 Votes

More than 2 Letters or 4 Digits on German Number Plate?

Question by Guest | 2016-07-24 at 17:23

So far, I have only seen a maximum of two letters or a number of no more than four digits on the license plates in Germany (of course except the characters for the town at the beginning but that can also consist of 3 letters).

Is this just coincidence because this limitation fits the size of the registration plate best or is there any law or provision in Germany for that?

So, for example, can I also have a five digit number or three or four characters in the middle of the number plate or is that not possible at all?

4Best Answer4 Votes

There is indeed a legal basis for your observation. You can find it in attachment 2 (German language) of the "Regulation on the Street-Legal Vehicle. In German, this is called "Verordnung über die Zulassung von Fahrzeugen zum Straßenverkehr" (FZV).

There it is stated:

Einteilung der Erkennungsnummern; Zuteilung kurzer Erkennungsnummern [Classification of identification numbers; Allocation of short identification numbers]

a) A 1 – A 999 to Z 1 – Z 999

b) AA 1 – AA 99 to ZZ 1 – ZZ 99

c) AA 100 – AA 999 to ZZ 100 – ZZ 999

d) A 1000 – A 9999 to Z 1000 – Z 9999

e) AA 1000 – AA 9999 to ZZ 1000 – ZZ 9999

Only those described ranges are allowed on number plates in Germany. As you can see, only a maximum of 2 letters and 4 digits are intended.
2016-07-24 at 17:42

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