08 Votes

N-Symbol in Smartphone Status Bar

Question by Guest | 2014-09-19 at 21:07

A strange symbol appeared in the notification bar of my mobile phone. The sign is similar to the character N, but it can also be something like a double N (NN) or a box with a rotated, upstanding Z letter. It is something like a mirrored 1 geared with another 1 standing upside down.

I hope, I could explain this symbol adequately. Does someone know what this sign could mean, for what it is standing and whether there are any things activated on my smartphone leading to this icon? If so, how can I turn it off?

3Best Answer5 Votes

The symbol, you have described, is standing for NFC. NFC is the abbreviation for Near Field Communication.

NFC is a radio transmission standard that can be used for transmitting data without any contact or cable connection between two devices over near distances. For example, this technique can be used to share photos just by touching two phones. NFC can also be used to pay without cash at some places (for example at some public transport companies).

You can activate or deactivate NFC in the network settings of your smartphone. For example, on Android phones, you can go to "Settings > Wireless and Network > More Settings". There you can find "NFC (Allow data exchange when device touches another device)". It is also possible to turn on or off "Android Beam" or "S Beam" at this place. "Android Beam" is the NFC variant of Android systems, "S Beam" the one from Samsung.
2014-09-19 at 21:57

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