28 Votes

Smartphone: No Internet Connection but H+ in Status Bar

Question by Guest | 2014-03-15 at 20:33

At the moment, I am faced with a strange behavior of my mobile phone. Although my status bar is showing the H+ symbol, I do not have any connection to the Internet.

I have tried several browsers and other services such as Whats App or other Internet apps. It is always the same: the browser or the app is loading and loading but nothing happens. But at the same time, the H+ icon is indicating that there is a connection available!

I have also tried to establish a connection via my local Wifi network, and with this, it is working without any problems. So, I think it is not a problem with my smartphone or the apps I am using. So, what can I do to solve this problem?

8Best Answer14 Votes

At the first go, I can think about two possible solutions.

  • First of all, you should activate the flight mode of your phone. Then, wait a moment and deactivate the flight mode again. Alternatively, you can shut down and restart your smartphone completely. Sometimes, this can do wonders when the smartphone has to reconnect to the network.
  • The second idea is related to your APN settings (Access Point Names). You can find those settings for example in "Network Settings", "Network Access", "Wireless and Network", "Mobile Networks", "Mobile Data" or "Access Points". It is depending on your phone how the settings are called. Here, have a look at the Access Point Names Settings and check whether they are filled out correctly. The correct settings can usually be found on the website of your provider, in your mobile contract or in the instructions you have got from your provider.

Apart from that, another reason could be, that your provider has problems with the network. Someday, I also had no Internet connection for half a day and when I called my provider, they told me, that they are currently doing an update at the transmitter mast. The next day, it was working again.

Have you tried your phone in another area or town? If it is working there, the transmitting mast in your area could be the reason.
2014-03-17 at 23:05

ReplyPositive Negative
-37 Votes

Really good explanation! Now I know why too. I had no internet for two days. I asked my provider and they said they where updating a mast like you. Just they had generator problems.
2015-02-07 at 18:04

Positive Negative
00 Votes

I have just the same problem. Since H+ I have intermittent internet. Have tried all suggested solutions with no luck. Off to O2 shop today to see if they can help.
2023-04-29 at 09:01

ReplyPositive Negative

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