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Naildesign: What is American Style?

Question by Florabella | 2012-08-22 at 15:07

Some nail salons and nail studios are offering a so-called American Style. Can someone tell me, what is exactly meant by the American style and what is common to the nails in this style?

I know regular gel nails and acrylic nails. But on the pictures in the nail salon, I somehow can not see any difference between the normal gel nails or acrylic nails to the American Style.

2Best Answer2 Votes

Nails in the American style, in fact, can be acrylic nails as well as gel nails, that has nothing to do with the American Style. Also, the pattern on the nail is not important to be American.

Amercian Nail Style simply means, that the front corners are not rounded but square and quite straight. If they are round, they are not American Nails, if they are very sharp and long, they are called Stiletto Nails.
Last update on 2020-08-24 | Created on 2012-08-24

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