00 Votes

Open Task Manager in Windows 8

Question by Uncle Claus | 2014-04-25 at 22:07

In Windows 8 lots of things have been changed and reorganized compared with the other windows versions.

At the moment, I am failing with opening the Taskmanager. Can someone help me?

0Best Answer0 Votes

Spontaneous, I have five possibilities in mind how to open the task manager in Windows 8:

  • Using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + Shift + ESC
  • Clicking in the bottom edge of the screen, selecting "Task-Manager" from the list.
  • Windows Key + X and selecting Task-Manager from the list
  • Windows Key + W and searching for the term "Task-Manager"
  • Pressing CTRL + ALT + ESC and clicking on "Task-Manager"

Just use the way you like the most.
2014-04-26 at 18:27

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