00 Votes

PHP: Create any number of variables dynamically

Question by Axuter | 2012-04-27 at 21:12

I want to create a dynamic number of variables within a PHP script. Previously, I can not say exactly how many variables I will need.

Is there any function or writing in PHP for this?

PS: I know, that you can do something similar with an array and that certainly, in most cases, this is the more elegant solution, but I still need dynamically created PHP variables.

1Best Answer1 Vote

You can create variables with ${name} dynamically in PHP. Here is a small example:

// create $variable with content "Variable"
${variable} = 'Variable';
// create $variable1 to $variable5
for ($i = 1, $i <= 5; $i++) {
   ${variable.$i} = "Variable $i"
// output
echo $variable;   //"Variable"
echo $variable1;  //"Variable 1"
echo $variable2;  //"Variable 2"
echo $variable3;  //"Variable 3"
echo $variable4;  //"Variable 4"
echo $variable5;  //"Variable 5"

First, we create the variable $variable and assign a content to it. Then, we create 5 more variables in a loop and assign a dynamic content. Recently, we output the contents of the variables.
2012-04-29 at 12:15

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