00 Votes

What would you like to do in your free time?

Question by Kamila | 2019-09-10 at 10:29

I think most people have hobbies. As for me, I like reading in my freetime. It's fairly a way to release pressure from work and refresh your mind. Recently, I'd like to learn cook. How about you?

11 Vote

I really like sports. Unfortunately, because of work, I do not have enough time for it.

If I would have the time, I would do sports every day from morning to evening.
2019-09-13 at 21:12

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00 Votes

I will take a walk after my dinner. Maybe you should try sometimes.
2019-09-27 at 05:10

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00 Votes

What I really prefer to do in my free time is traveling.

Of course, I have to do my work, so I have not very much time for my journeys. But when I have time (and of course money enough), I am trying to see the world.

However, even if it is only a weekend, I try to make some road trips or city trips. It's hard to imagine how much you can see even nearby in your area. You only have to open your eyes.

By the way, Kamila, what do you prefer to read?
2019-09-18 at 14:46

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00 Votes

That's nice. I like travel too, but it's time-consuming as well as finance. I often spend my weekend at home read some books or make myself a nice dinner. You're really a big fan of traveling.

I like all kind of books except politics and philosophy. I don't know why, maybe it's far more beyone my current knowledge. I recently read a book called the buried giant.
2019-09-27 at 05:18

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