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Samsung Galaxy: No MMS reception despite correct APN settings

Question by Guest | 2013-02-18 at 13:16

On my Samsung Galaxy smartphone, I cannot receive any MMS. Instead, only something like a MMS notification with a download button is displayed.

When I click on "Download", it says "Downloading", but no MMS is displayed, independent from the time I am waiting.

I searched for this issue on the Internet and it is always referred to the APN settings (Access Point Names), where you have to enter specific values ​​depending on the provider (such as T-Mobile). These values ​​are entered correctly for my provider - and still it is not possible to receive MMS. In addition, also sending MMS is not possible. What can I do?

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At least on my Samsung Galaxy S3 - and thus probably for other devices - it is necessary to enable Mobile Data to receive MMS.

To do so, drag down the settings from the top and activate the button "Mobile Data". If you click on the "Download" button after that, the MMS should be downloaded and viewed.
2013-02-18 at 13:25

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