22 Votes

Show Playing Time of Videos with or without Seconds in File List

Question by Guest | 2022-10-26 at 21:34

I would like to create lists of my video files that contain not only the name of the videos but also their duration in addition to the name. So far, this works perfectly with using the FilelistCreator.

Now I have some file lists with longer videos and other lists with shorter clips. For the long videos, it makes no sense to display the seconds in the list, here I only want to list the hours and the minutes. It is different for the short videos that are a maximum of a few minutes long. For those videos, the seconds should also get into the list.

Is there any possibility of accordingly adapting the format of the playing duration in the Filelist Creator?

1Best Answer1 Vote

The format of the playing time of video files (and also audio files) can be completely flexibly defined in the FilelistCreator.

You can find the settings for this in the column selection by clicking on the button "Options" next to the column header "Duration". Here you can enter any free time format into the field under "Format". For your mentioned cases you can use the following formats:

  • h:mm - Only hours and minutes are displayed, the hours are always displayed (even if they are 0) and the minutes are shown with at least 2 places.
  • h:mm:ss - Hours, minutes and seconds are displayed, minutes and seconds are shown with at least 2 places, the hours like explained for h:mm.

If you only want to show the hours when needed: With capital letters, you can specify components of the time format as optional. This means that these components are only displayed if they are larger than zero. Accordingly, a video with 30 minutes would be listed with using the format "h:mm" as "0:30" in the list, while with "H:mm" as "30" without showing the 0 hours.

I explain all other possibilities in the tutorial about formatting the duration of audio files and video files. Of course you will also find many examples of application for the different formats in this tutorial.
2022-10-27 at 02:28

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