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SIM-Card: I've forgotten my PIN Code

Question by Guest | 2014-09-22 at 15:12

I have encountered a really huge problem with my mobile phone! Some time ago, I came up with the idea to change the PIN code of my SIM card.

However, my smartphone was permanently turned on for several weeks, so that it was not necessary to re-enter the PIN when turning the power on.

But now, it happened. The battery was empty and the smartphone requires the PIN code to turn it to life again. Unfortunately, also with the best will, I cannot remember the code I have entered that time.

Is there any possibility to nevertheless get on the phone? I do not want to try any other code, because I only have three attempts. I would be grateful for any help!

I have also found a booklet that my mobile provider has sent to me along with the SIM that time. However, there is only the old PIN code specified, which is no longer active. Or can it be helpful in some way?

2Best Answer2 Votes

Have a look at the booklet from your mobile provider that you have gotten together with your SIM card. There should also be specified as so-called PUK (Personal Unblocking Key). With this PUK code, it is possible to change your PIN even you have forgotten your current PIN.

Just enter the following via your phone keypad:

* * 0 5 * <PUK> * <new PIN> * <new PIN> #

That is, two asterisks, then 0 and 5, then the PUK from the booklet, after that twice the new PIN which you can choose freely.

After that, your new selected PIN will be active.
2014-09-23 at 18:22

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SIM-Card: Change PIN Code

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