22 Votes

SIM-Card: Change PIN Code

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-07-01 | Created on 2014-11-10

I got a new SIM-Card having preset a terrible default PIN-Code. No wonder, that it is not the first time that I have entered the wrong code, because I cannot memorize this horrible number combination.

I would really like to change my PIN-Code, but I cannot find any option in the settings of my mobile phone for that purpose. Is there any other possibility or way to switch the code?

3Best Answer3 Votes

You can change your PIN-Code with a so-called USSD-Code (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) directly using your mobile phone's keypad.

Just enter the following key combination to do it (as if you want to call someone):

* * 0 4 * <old PIN> * <new PIN> * <new PIN> #

After you have pressed the hash key (#), possibly you have to press the call button (usually a green receiver) to ensure that the command is executed. Some phones are also executing the command directly after pressing the hash button automatically.

If you have forgotten your old PIN, you can also use the PUK for changing the PIN:

* * 0 5 * <PUK> * <new PIN> * <new PIN> #

It is just the same command, you only have to type the keys 0 5 instead of 0 4 and you have to replace the old PIN with your PUK.
Last update on 2021-07-01 | Created on 2014-11-10

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