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Do I need a Micro-SIM, Nano-SIM or a normal SIM-Card?

Question by Guest | 2015-01-25 at 15:52

I have changed my mobile service provider and now I have to state in my order which SIM Card I would like to have (they want to send me the SIM for my new contract via post mail).

The options are Micro-SIM, Nano-SIM and Standard SIM-Card. However, unfortunately, I have no idea which of those cards I need.

So, is there any difference between those different SIM formats and how can I know which SIM is required for me and my phone?

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Technically and functionally, there is no difference between those various SIM card formats. The only difference is, that each format has another size.

And at this point, it depends on the size of the SIM card slot of your mobile phone or smartphone. You just need the SIM card that is fitting into the slot of your device.

To find out, you can just have a look at the instructions of your device or you can search for your phone on the Internet, there should be information available.

Apart from that - if you still have your old SIM fitting into the phone - you can also measure the required size of the card. Here, you can find a table overview containing a different sizes.
2015-01-26 at 12:28

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