22 Votes

Speed Limit to EDGE/2G-Network - Is using UMTS and LTE expensive when data volume is consumed?

Question by Guest | 2013-12-10 at 18:35

I have a mobile contract that contains a reduction of speed after 500 MB of traffic. If my monthly data volume has exceeded this limit, I can only surf the Internet with the speed of the EDGE network (2G) and I can no longer use the fast UMTS or LTE speed.

Now I have observed that my phone still connects to the UMTS and the LTE networks (H+ or 4G is appears in the status bar) - even despite the throttling.

Actually, according to my contract, I am not allowed to use those speeds. So, will this make any problems or unexpected expenses when using these networks?

1Best Answer1 Vote

For me it's like this: If my data volume is consumed, the speed is generally restricted - regardless of whether I'm currently using the GPRS, UMTS or LTE network.

So - in fact - you are logged into the "fast" LTE network, but you can not use the full speed and there are also no additional costs. I suppose it is the same with your contract.

If you have great fear that something bad could happen, you can of course disable all networks except the GSM network in your mobile phone or smartphone settings. Or you can ask your net provider for your special case or contract. But I do not know any provider that is not similar to mine.
2013-12-10 at 21:40

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