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SQLite: Search for unequal Value

Question by Guest | 2016-02-08 at 15:36

I would like to read out the data records from my table / database which are not containing a specific value in a specific column.

So, I need something like an unequal, unlike, distinct or disparate comparison with a defined value. In other database systems, I have used the comparison operator != for that, but that seems not to work in SQLite. However, the operators =, < and > are working, but I do not need them at this point.

How should the statement look like to make it work?

0Best Answer0 Votes

In SQLite, you have to use the operator <> for inequality. Here is an example for an integer and a string comparison:

SELECT id FROM tab WHERE weight <> 100;

SELECT id FROM tab WHERE firstname <> 'Peter';

Using the first statement, we get all our records where the column "weight" is not 100, the second statement returns all records, where the column "firstname" is not "Peter".

As you can see, strings have to be enclosed with apostrophes, and you do not have to care about that with numbers.
2016-02-09 at 18:17

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